Tag Archives: Simpson

Blessings of Life: New Year Edition

Due to unforeseen circumstances–the sheer amount of schoolwork and my inability to do anything but homework, classes and sleep–I dropped out of the blogging world. Sadly, my weekly God blessing post dropped out of my to do list as well. I can tell you though, that it was sometimes hard to keep a positive outlook on things this semester and I truly wonder if not counting my blessings was a part of that. Travis Osbourne, Simpson’s spiritual life director, said in chapel one day that where our eyes are directed determines where the rest of our bodies and thoughts will go. I think this is so true. I took my eyes off of how God was blessing me and I had a hard time seeing the joys of my days. Therefore, I am back. Back to keeping my eyes on God and the blessings he is pouring out on me in the midst of my crazy life.

1. I finished my undergrad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. I am home with my husband after almost a year of living in differing states!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. I have a plethora of job opportunities!

4. After years of searching I finally have a mentor, Kim Lawson, and I am quite delighted about it.

5. I more than passed all my classes and was able to achieve my graduating GPA goal.

6. I was able to see my dear Maribeth and hold her 6 day old baby boy, Silas.

7. Laurel and I were able to spend several days of laughter and enjoyment together.

8. Joe and Liz Davis have provided Matt and I a place to live while we are waiting for the next step to take.

9. I was able to go to my first quiz meet and get to know Lana, Alissa and Katie better.

10. I have a family who loves me so very much…almost as much as I love them!!!!!!